Watch Lectures


Lied Center for Performing Arts 301 N. 12th Street, Lincoln, NE

All lectures are free and open to the public - Ticket Information

Live TV & Radio

Lincoln cable TV digital channel #80 or #5 and LNKTV City (ALLO channel 2, Charter Spectrum channel 1300, Windstream Kinetic channel 5) or LNKTV Education (ALLO channel 23, Charter Spectrum channel 1303, Windstream Kinetic channel 80). View the city guide website for replay times.

UNL radio 90.3 FM KRNU

Live Streaming (online)

E.N. Thompson Forum site - A link to the live event will appear on the website near the featured speaker’s name

Nebraska Public Media website - In the Search box (upper right hand corner) type “E.N. Thompson Forum”

Archived Lectures

On the E.N. Thompson Forum website, visit the Lecture Archive or the E.N. Thompson Forum's MediaHub channel

91.5 FM KIOS Omaha Public Radio replays lectures; see program guide for listings.

Lectures are on Lincoln cable TV digital channel #80 or #5 and channel #71.16 or #71.14 without a cable box, see program guide for listings.